Home Gardener 15kg Cow Manure
Item #: 5025698
$5.99 EA
Home Gardener® Composted Cattle Manure with CQA-Certified Compost is a nutrient rich composted natural product with an N-P-K of 0.5-0.5-0.5. The composting process eliminates detrimental organisms and odours. For lawns, apply 15kg to 21m2 of lawn and water in. For vegetable & flower gardens, before planting, apply 15kg per 10m2 and work into the top 5-8cm of soil. For transplanting, mix 1 part cattle manure to 3 parts existing soil at bottom of the hole. Use same mixture for around the roots.
- The odourless and weed-free composted cattle manure aids the growth of all plant life through it's natural nutrients
- Cow manure aids the growth of all plant life through it's natural nutrients
- Cow manure is a good source of nitrogen and organic matter
- For flowers, gardens, shrubs and the lawn
- 15kg
- **NOTE** This product is made with compost processed from Ontario’s municipal yard waste and household organic
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