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  • Dow Dowflake Xtra Calcium Chloride - 20 kg

    Item #: 5548231
    $32.99 EA
    DOWFLAKE™ Xtra 83-87% Calcium Chloride Flakes have 10% more calcium chloride than conventional flake calcium chloride products. They provide more pound-for-pound performance when used for snow and ice control, dust control, road construction and maintenance, concrete acceleration and tire weighting. It reduces dust on unpaved surfaces by absorbing moisture from its surroundings, keeping the surface damp and binding dust particles to the gravel. Adding it to concrete results in reduced time for initial and final set, increased early strength and protection in cold weather. No additives or anti caking agents. Calcium Chloride
    • Possesses several unique properties that make it the ideal choice for dust control, de-icing and concrete acceleration applications
    • When applied to unpaved roadways, parking lots, walkways and golf cart paths, it reduces dust by continuously absorbing moisture from the air, keeping the surface slightly damp and binding dust particles to larger aggregate
    • The heat releasing property works to melt snow and ice faster than rock salt, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, urea or blends of these products
    • The addition of it to concrete results in higher earlier strength, faster setting time, improved workability and uniform cure for concrete
    • Other approved applications such as tire weighting and brine refrigeration, require putting the material into solution
    • 83-87% calcium chloride is an odorless, flaked product
    • Meets ASTM D98 and AASHTO M144 requirements for calcium chloride purity
    • ASTM classification is "Type S; Grade 1, Class A"
    • Image may not be exact
    Prices shown do not include taxes. While every effort is made to maintain prices shown, we reserve the right to adjust prices when necessary and also to substitute or discontinue any item which may become unavailable. We reserve the right to correct printing or technical errors. Sale prices available for a limited time and while supplies last. In the event of a discrepancy in pricing between this website and our store, this store price will be considered the most current and accurate price and will supercede any and all other advertised prices.